Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cake Pops!

I am really late on this trend, but I finally made some cake pops! My favorite lil' baby Harper was turning one and was having a Very Hungry Caterpillar  party so I needed to make a caterpillar for the cake. Thanks always to Pinterest, I saw someone had make one of cake pops and it looked so cute I had to try. 

Making cake pops is a lot easier than I thought it was, I just kind of winged it but figured out a lot about making them in the process.

So all you need is 
1 Box cake mix - any flavor
1 Box icing
Candy Coating or melted Chocolate

 First and easily enough, bake your cake. It doesn't have to be pretty. I chose vanilla for both flavors since Harper had never had cake before. Once it's baked take the cake and crumble it up. If you have any hard edges cut them off, I found the don't crumble and will be weird in the cake ball later.

Once it looks like this

Start adding icing! Add enough until you can clump it together with your fist.

this is what mine looked like at that point. Once you have it to hat point you can start to mold them! If you have a nice cookie/melon-baller that works best. they also sell cake pop molds you can use like cookie cutters. Once you've rounded them, put them in the fridge or freezer to set their shape.  During this time you can start to melt your chocolates. I used red and green for the body. I saw a "Babycakes" chocolate melter later that would work really well for the dipping, but I just melted as directed on the back in a small bowl. I found that swirling them works better than trying to submerge the whole pop. 

Once they were dipped I added eyes with a small piping bag filled with extra melted chocolate.

Once my cake was finished I added these guys to the top =) the antennae are Mike and Ikes!

The smash cake! The caterpillar was made with marshmallow fondant 

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